New in 2024: The Founding Fathers Lecture Series
As we march toward our country’s 250th anniversary as a Democratic Republic, it is valuable to see how our Founding Fathers shaped and formed this new Republic. The thoughts they discussed and wrangled over while this new way of governing was born. The age and background of the Founding Fathers was varied and broad. Each one of the signatories of our Constitution risked their land holdings, their families, and indeed their own lives when they formed this United States of America. As traitors to the Crown, the Founding Fathers would be hanged or shot if captured by the British.
The character and the commitment that these men made was extraordinary and this lecture series is provided to Redding and the surrounding communities to allow all of us to have a better understanding of the formation of this Republic that would grow in a relatively short time to become the most powerful country in the world.
The Redding Historical Society understands the importance of providing educational services to the surrounding communities as well as our own. And we take that obligation seriously and the Board of Directors has committed to a continuing educational opportunity to those interested in these lectures and other lectures that we may offer to the greater community.
The Redding Historical Society has asked Dr. Kevin L. Gutzman, PhD, Professor of History, Western Connecticut University, J.D., Author of five books to lead off this lecture series by speaking about Thomas A. Jefferson (Thomas Jefferson; A Radical’s struggle to Remake America and The Jeffersonians: The Visionary Presidencies of Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe).
Lecture One: Thomas Jefferson
April 13th, 2024 marked Thomas Jefferson’s 281st birthday. To mark the occasion, The Redding Historical Society hosted a talk on Jefferson by New York Times best-selling author Professor Kevin Gutzman, PhD. Professor Gutzman has been recognized for making significant contributions to the field of American history and Constitutional studies. He has authored five books on the subject of the Founding Father’s and delivered prestigious lectures at historic venues such as the Virginia Museum of History and Culture as well as the International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello.
Nearly 50 people came to the Redding Community Center to learn more about this highly instrumental and often misunderstood founding father.